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Asphalt vs. Concrete Parking Lots: The Differences

Asphalt vs. Concrete Parking Lots: The Differences

When selecting materials for parking lots, the choice often boils down to asphalt and concrete. Both have unique advantages and disadvantages that can dictate your decision. Continue reading to explore the similarities and differences between asphalt and concrete parking lots.

Pros and Cons of Asphalt Parking Lots

Asphalt parking lots offer several advantages, including being cost-effective for installation and maintenance. Contractors can install asphalt parking lots quickly, making them ready for use much sooner than concrete. Additionally, asphalt is flexible and less likely than concrete to crack under pressure due to ground movements or expanding ice in cold weather.

However, you must consider the drawbacks of asphalt parking lots. They typically have a shorter lifespan than concrete lots, lasting about 20 years. Concrete lots last around 30 years or more. Also, asphalt requires a lot of maintenance, including regular sealing and resurfacing. It is also sensitive to heat, becoming soft and tacky in high temperatures.

Pros and Cons of Concrete Parking Lots

Concrete parking lots are known for their durability, often lasting over 30 years with maintenance. They require less frequent upkeep than asphalt and hold up in the heat, resisting softening and damage in high temperatures.

Concrete is also versatile; it comes in a variety of finishes and colors that will suit your business’s aesthetic. Still, concrete parking lots have some cons. The material has a greater upfront cost than asphalt and takes longer to set and use. It is also prone to cracking in freezing temperatures or because of ground shifts.

What Makes Asphalt and Concrete Parking Lots Different?

The key differences between asphalt and concrete parking lots are in their composition and responses to environmental conditions. Asphalt, made from aggregate and bitumen, is more flexible but sensitive to heat. Concrete, a mix of cement, water, and aggregate, is rigid and more heat resistant.

The fundamental differences between the two materials affect their longevity, maintenance needs, and suitability in different climates. You should consider these factors when choosing between asphalt and concrete for your parking lot. Concrete is the better choice if you reside in a warm region. However, if your business is in a cold climate, you might prefer asphalt.

Choosing an asphalt or concrete parking lot depends on your needs, budget, and climate. Both have merits and challenges, so consult a professional parking lot maintenance contractor to make the most suitable choice for your property.

A maintenance professional at Precise Property Maintenance can guide you toward the right material that protects your parking lot’s longevity and functionality. Contact us today for more information about our parking lot maintenance services.